~ Ectopic Pregnancy ~
¹ Diagnostic Criteria in
The Presence of Acute Abdomen:
Abdominal pain with or without peritoneal signs, vaginal
bleeding (+ /- ), etc.
Positive for urine pregnancy test
Positive for culdocentesis
TVS shows no IUP, adnexal mass, and/or internal bleeding
¹ Recommended Diagnostic
Approach in The Absence of Acute Abdomen:
Diagnostic Tools:
? Blood sampling
for CBC, liver and renal function tests, blood group, and β-hCG
‚ TVS,
which can detect IUP whenβ-hCG > 1500 IU/L
(mIU/mL), with the
exception of pregnancy as result of IVF, combined
intrauterine and extrauterine
j If
TVS shows IUP (+):
ð Under most circumstances,
investigation for ectopic pregnancy can be
Q Exception:
pregnancies following IVF treatment
k If
TVS shows no IUP and serum β-hCG > 1500
IU/L (mIU/mL):
~ Ectopic pregnancy is very
likely, however, an early twin gestation is also likely.
ð Repeat
TVS and β-hCG 3 days later:
An ectopic pregnancy is a certainly if at that juncture
the serum β-hCG is
increasing yet still no IUP
is observed on TVS.
R If
the precise GA is known, as it is for IVF patients or those
undergoing ovulation induction, the failure to detect a GS 24
or more after ovulation indicates an ectopic pregnancy.
l If TVS shows absence of IUP
and adnexal mass (+ ), as well as
serum β-hCG
> 1500 IU/L (mIU/mL):
ð An extrauterine
pregnancy is almost certain.
m If TVS does not reveal an
ectopic tubal pregnancy and
serum β-hCG < 1500
IU/L (mIU/mL):
ð Repeat
TVS and β-hCG twice weekly
R β-hCG
levels are usually found to double every 2 to 3 days, either in IUP until 6 to 7
weeks’ gestation, or in some early ectopic pregnancies.
R Nondoubling
of β-hCG level is found in nonviable pregnancies, including ectopic and
intrauterine pregnancies that are destined to abort
n If repeated TVS still does
not show an adnexal mass and the
serum β-hCG fails to double after 72
ð The clinician
can be certain no normal intrauterine pregnancy exists and
can administer medical treatment.
¹ Medical Treatment: (single-dose
methotrexate intramuscular injection)
± Candidates:
High compliant women with asymptomatic ectopic pregnancy, who
serum β-hCG <
5000 IU/L (mIU/mL), tubal size < 3 cm,
and no fetal
cardiac activity on U/S
± Practical, high success
rates (ranging from 86% to 94% in properly selected
cases), not skill-dependent.
± Site Effects:
- Tubal rupture can still occur despite low
and declining serum β-hCG levels.
- Stomatitis usually mild
- Conjunctivitis and self-limited
- Dermatitis
- Pleuritis
± Protocol for Methotrexate
Treatment for Ectopic Pregnancy:
Pretreatment tests |
· CBC, BG, liver and renal
function tes ts, serum β-hCG,
Treatment day 0 |
· Methotrexate (50 mg/m2)
· RhoGAM
300 μg IM, if needed
· Discontinue folinic acid
· Advise the p’t to
refrain from strenuous exercise and intercourse |
Treatment day 4 |
· Serum
β-hCG |
Treatment day 7 |
· Se rum
· Second
dose of metnotrexate if the decline in serum β-hCG is
< 25% of day 0 level |
Weekly |
· Serum
β-hCG until the level is < 10
· TVS |
Any time |
· Laparoscopy if U/S
reveals hemoperitoneum > 100 mL,
severe abdominal pain, or acute abdomen |
¹ Surgical Treatment:
± Candidates:
Patients not suitable for medical treatment
± Conservative
Surgery: (laparoscopic salpingostomy)
- Higher subsequent intrauterine pregnancy rage
- Higher recurrence rate of ectopic pregnancy
- A logical option for women wishing to preserve fertility
- Technique of laparoscopic salpigostomy:
? Vasopressin
(0.2 IU/mL of physiologic saline) injection into the wall of the tube at
the area of maximal distention
‚ A 10- to 15- mm
longitudinal incision on the maximally distended antemesosalpix
wall of the tube
ƒ Removal of
conception product by combination of hydrodissection and gentle
blunt dissection with a suction irrigator.
(Removing it piecemeal with forceps is inadvisable and may
lead to retained
trophoblastic tissue.)
„ Removal of
conception product from abdominal cavity.
… Check bleeding under
~ Light application of
bipolar coagulation or ligation of vessels in the
~ Coagulation of the “placental
bed” inside the tube is not recommended,
as it will lead to tubal destruction.
- Post-operative follow-up: day 1 and weekly serum β-hCG
If day 1 serum β-hCG
falls 50% or more from preoperative value, there is a greater
than 85% probability that a persistent ectopic pregnancy
will not occur.
± Radical Surgery:
- Indications:
Uncontrolled bleeding, ectopic pregnancy that recurs in the
same tube,
a severely damaged tube, tubal pregnancy of 5 cm or
more, and ectopic
pregnancy in women who have completed their family.
¹ Treatment for
Persistent Ectopic Pregnancy:
j A single dose of
methotrexate (50 mg/m2)
k TVS and serum β-hCG
are measured weekly until the level is below 10 IU/L
¹ Place for Expectant
Expectant management is done when ectopic pregnancy is
suspected, but TVS
fails to reveal an ecoptic pregnany.
¹ Conclusion:
Early diagnosis has allowed conservative surgical and medical
treatment of
ectopic pregnancy. The clinical presentation, serum β-hCG
levels, and TVS
findings dictate the management of this condition.
Methotrexate can be given to
women with asymptomatic ectopic pregnancy, who have high
compliance, serum
β-hCG levels below 5000 IU/L, tubal size less than 3 cm, and
no fetal cardiac
activity on U/S. The most practical and efficient method is a
single intramuscular
injection. Those patients who do not meet the criteria for
methotrexate treatment
should be treated surgically, which can be done by
§ References:
1. Togas Tulandi, MD. New protocol for ectopic pregnancy.
Contemporary OB/GYN, October 1999, P42-55
Filename: Ectopic Pregnancy