~ Endoscopic
Myomectomy ~
Indication for Myomectomy:
? Symptomatic:
Excessive uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, recurrent pregnancy
loss, infertility, etc.
‚ Not expected to go into
menopause soon
ƒ Wishing to preserve
their fertility for childbearing or for personal reasons
Preoperative Treatment:
v LHRHa:
? Leuprolide acetate:
Ÿ Usually continued for 3
Ÿ At least 26% reduction
in uterine volume
(38% of these subjects experienced more than 50% shrinkage.)
‚ Goserelin acetate:
Ÿ Goserelin acetate
combined with iron treatment was found to be more effective
than iron alone.
Gosereline and iron group:
Uterine volume decreased by 37% to 40%
Myoma size decreased by 44% to 47%
Less blood loss during surgery
v Advantages:
? To allow time to improve
patient hematologic status
‚ Reduction in the amount
of blood loss during myomectomy as a result of a decrease
in the size of the myoma and it vascularity and easier
removal of smaller myoma
v Disadvantages:
? Approximately 10% of myomas
do not respond to LHRHa.
‚ Loss of cleavage
planes, leading to a more difficult dissection of the tumor
ƒ Because of the initial
stimulatory effects of LHGHa, bleeding may be more
excessive in the first treatment cycle
Laparoscopic Myomectomy:
v Contraindications:
Ÿ Any medical condition
that worsens with abdominal distention and a Trendelenberg position for a
prolonged period of time
Ÿ Diffuse leiomyomata
Ÿ More than three myomas ³
5 cm
Ÿ Uterine size greater
than 16 weeks’ gestation
Ÿ A myoma >
15 cm
Ÿ Patients who have
completed childbearing and who desire hysterectomy
v Technique:
? Pedunculated myoma:
Ÿ Coagulating the pedicle
with a bipolar forceps
Ÿ Excision
‚ Intramural myoma:
Ÿ Injection of
vasopressin (0.2 U/mL) into the myometrium adjacent to the myoma
Ÿ Incising the
myometrium over the myoma until the myoma is seen
Ÿ Enucleation of myoma
using a laparoscopic scissors and blunt dissection
(Blood vessels encountered during the dissection should be
Ÿ Removal of myoma by
using a 20-mm serrated edge macromorcellator
Ÿ Repair of uterine
2-0 polydioxanone suture for the deep myometrial layer
4-0 polydioxanone for the superficial layer
v Results:
Ÿ Benefits:
A shorter hospital stay, shorter recovery, and less blood
Ÿ Complications:
? Time-consuming
‚ Inadequate multilayered
uterine closure,
leading to the weakness of the uterine wall
ƒ Postmyomectomy adhesion
Ÿ Myomectomy and
reproductive outcome:
- Despite the risk of adhesion formation, myomectomy seems to
enhance reproductive
- The pregnancy rate after laparoscopic myomectomy seems to
be similar to that after
abdominal myomectomy.
Laparoscopically Assisted Myomectomy:
v Procedures:
Ÿ Partially enucleate the
myoma by laparoscopy.
Ÿ Grasp the partially
enucleated myoma with instrument inserted suprapubically via a 10-mm trocar.
Ÿ Enlarge the abdominal
incision transversely enough to accommodate the myoma.
Ÿ Deliver myoma from the
abdominal cavity.
Ÿ Continue enucleation and
then repair the uterine defect extracorporeally.
Ÿ Replace the uterus into
the abdominal cavity.
Ÿ Close the abdominal
Ÿ Resume the laparoscopy
and perform the ligation.
v Main advantage compared with
laparoscopic myomectomy:
A proper multilayered uterine closure can be performed more
easily, and without prolonging the
duration of surgery.
Laparoscopic Myoma Coagulation (Myolysis) and Cryosurgery:
v Mechanism: reduction of myoma
size by coagulating its blood supply.
v Methods: Nd:YAG laser or
bipolar needle electrode.
Gaseless Laparoscopy:
v Use of various devices for
mechanically elevating the anterior abdominal wall, obviating
the need for pneumoperitoneum
v Advantages:
avoidance of risks of peumoperitoneum,
and the ability to use conventional laparotomy instruments
Hysteroscopic Myomectomy: ~
for submucous myoma
v Indications:
Ÿ Women with abnormal
uterine bleeding
Ÿ Women with recurrent
pregnancy wastage
Ÿ Women with reproductive
failure attributed to the presence of a myoma
v Contraindications:
Ÿ Large uterine cavity of
more than 12 cm in depth that cannot be distended adequately
by medium
Ÿ Suspicion of endometrial
hyperplasia or carcinoma
Ÿ Upper genital tract
Ÿ Patient with severe
liver, renal, or cardiac disease placing the patient at increased risk
for fluid overload
Ÿ Suspected leiomyosarcoma
v Preoperative Treatment:
Ÿ Hematologic evaluation
Ÿ LHRHa is recommended in
women with large submucous myomas (³ 4 cm)
and in those with severe anemia
v Technique:
Ÿ Cervical dilatation up
to 9 cm
Ÿ Insertion of operative
hysteroscope into the uterine cavity under direct vision via a vidio camera
Ÿ Myomectomy by
resectoscope, Nd:YAG laser, or hysteroscopic scissors
¬ Fluid balance should be
monitored carefully during surgery. A negative balance of greater than
1500 mL can be associated with electrolyte imbalance,
hyponatremia, and secondary pulmonary
and brain edema.
v Results:
? Menorrhagia is usually
corrected in most patients.
‚ Myomas with an
extensive intramural component may need a two-step procedure.
ƒ The failure rate is
high in patients with multiple myomas.
v Complications:
Ÿ Immediate complications:
cervical tears, uterine perforation, thermal injury to the
bowel or the bladder,
bleeding, and fluid overload.
Ÿ Late complications:
infection, intrauterine adhesions, uterine repture during
pregnancy, recurrence
v Hysterectomy should be
offered to symptomatic women who have completed
v When proper technique and
patient selection criteria are used, laparoscopic myomectomy
is as effective as abdominal myomectomy.
v The procedure should be
performed similar to laparotomy, including multilayered uterine
v The safety and efficacy of
newer procedures including myoma coagulation and
cryosurgery remain to be determined.
v Women with submucous myomas
are best treated by hysteroscopy.
Endoscopic Myomectomy, Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy; Togas
Tulandi, MD, and Sundus Al-Took, MD.; Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North
America 26(1):135-148, March 1999