~ IUI ~
§ Definition:
? Controlled
Ovarian Hyperstimulation (COH): the intentional
development of multiple
ovarian follicles by the administration of medications such
as preparations of exogenous
gonadotropins or clomiphene citrate.
‚ Human Menopausal
Gonadotropins: preparations of exogenous gonadotropins (FSH and
LH) used to stimulate ovarian follicle development.
ƒ Intrauterine
Insemination: the delivery of sperm to the uterine cavity.
„ Multifetal Pregnancy:
the development of more than one fetus.
… Subfertility : impaired
cycle fecundity.
† Superovulation: the
development of multiple ovarian follicles and the release of multiple
§ Types: (according to the source of sperm)
j AIH:
(Artificial Insemination by Husband)
k AID: (Artificial
Insemination by Donor)
§ Indications:
Male factor infertility |
Cervical factor infertility |
Minimal or insignificant adnexal adhesions |
Endometriosis without significant distortion of the
anatomy of the reproductive organs |
Luteal phase defect |
Idiopathic infertility |
§ Ovulation Stimulation And IUI as Treatment for
v The combined use of COH and
IUI may have a synergistic effect on pregnancy rates.
v Techniques:
P Pre-therapy evaluation:
Semen analysis, HSG or hysteroscopy to detect uterine
anomalies, laparoscopy for
detection of potential or tubal factors of infertility,
and a midluteal serum
progesterone assay and/or endometrial biopsy.
P Candidates for therapy:
Couples who were infertile for at least 1 year, who were
ovulatory and had a regular
menstrual interval of less than 35 days, and who had at
least one tube without a
mechanical barrier to oocyte capture.
P Ovarian Stimulation:
- Women receive HMG (150-225 IU/day) intramuscularly beginning on
cycle day 2 or 3. ( The selection of the initial dosage was dependent
on the weight and age of the woman as well as on her prior experience
with superovulation regimens.)
- On cycle day 5 or 6, ultrasound evaluation of the pelvis and
measurements of serum estradiol concentrations were begun and repeated
every 1 to 3 days.
- When the leading ovarian follicle had reached preovulatory size, hCG
5000 IU was given intramuscularly.
- The luteal phase was supplemented with two additional injections of
hCG (2500 IU intramuscularly).
· . The effect of
using adjunctive leuprolide therapy is still to be determined.
ž MMH Experience (Chief
Principles: Adjust dosage individualizedly to meet
the optimal condition
on which at least 3 follicles in size of 1.8 mm
or more on D12±
? Intermediate
HMG/FSH: 2 ampules/day since D3 to the
previous day of hCG injection
‚ Strategy for
Possible High Responders:
(eg. Young, PCOD, anovulation, etc.)
ð Reduce HMG/FSH
dose: 1 amples/day initially, then adjust accordingly
P IUI: done 38 to 40 hours
after the initial injection of hCG.
§ Pros And Cons:
¹ Cycle Fecundity:
(1985-1992, Pennsylavania State University, Hershey Medical Center, 773 Couples)
j Cycle Fecundity by
Diagnosis |
Pregnancies/Cycle |
Fecundity |
Male |
15/92 |
0.16 |
Adnexal Adhesion |
16/158 |
0.10 |
Severe |
0/16 |
0 |
Myoma Uteri |
5/78 |
0.06 |
Unexplained |
24/148 |
0.16 |
Cervical |
5/26 |
0.19 |
Other |
6/46 |
0.13 |
k Cycle Fecundity by Attempt:
Cycle Number |
Pregnancies/Cycle |
Fecundity |
1 |
105/173 |
0.14 |
2 |
69/480 |
0.14 |
3 |
41/280 |
0.15 |
4 |
22/242 |
0.09 |
5 |
7/52 |
0.14 |
6 |
2/29 |
0.07 |
7 |
2/10 |
0.20 |
Total |
248/1866 |
0.13 |
l Cycle Fecundity by Serum E2
on the Day of hCG Injection:
Serum E2 (pg/mL) |
Pregnancies/Cycle |
Fecundity |
0-500 |
14/159 |
0.09 |
501-1000 |
45/233 |
0.19 |
1001-1500 |
29/135 |
0.22 |
1501-2000 |
9/42 |
0.21 |
> 2000 |
5/19 |
0.26 |
m Cycle Fecundity by Number
of Follicles 17mm on the Day of hCG Injection:
Number of Follicles |
Pregnancies/Cycle |
Fecundity |
1 |
13/143 |
0.09 |
2 |
33/225 |
0.15 |
3 |
31/231 |
0.13 |
4 |
24/244 |
0.11 |
5 |
32/175 |
0.18 |
6 |
27/132 |
0.20 |
7 |
13/121 |
0.11 |
8 |
14/96 |
0.15 |
n Cycle Fecundity by
Woman’s Age:
Age (years) |
Pregnancies/Cycle |
Fecundity |
21-25 |
8/57 |
0.14 |
26-30 |
70/312 |
0.22 |
31-35 |
124/767 |
0.16 |
36-40 |
36/477 |
0.08 |
> 40 |
6/59 |
0.10 |
o Cycle Fecundity by Number
of Motile Sperm in the Inseminate:
Number of Motile Sperm (´
106) |
Pregnancies/Cycle |
Fecundity |
1 |
0/17 |
0 |
1.1-5.0 |
10/58 |
0.17 |
5.1-10.0 |
9/65 |
0.14 |
10.1-20.0 |
10/95 |
0.11 |
> 20 |
78/481 |
0.16 |
¹ Complications:
j Ovarian Hyperstimulation
- Incidence: similar to that in ART
- Prevention: careful monitoring of serum E2
, as well as number and size of follicles
k Pelvic Infection
¹ Pregnancy-Associated
j Spontaneous Abortion:
- Incidence: abaout 20%
k Multifetal Pregnancy:
- Incidence: 5 to 27% reported
l Ectopic Pregnancy:
- Incidence: 4 to 8% reported
§ References:
1. Reproductive Endocrinology, Surgery, and Technology;
Adashi, Rock, and Rosenwaks; 1996.
Filename: IUI